Website maintenance on Friday and Sunday

We will be doing maintenance to our website systems on Friday, 25 and Sunday, 27 October. more »

Preparing for emergencies

What you can do

Do you know what you can do to prepare yourself and your family? Do you know where you could find out what was happening? Would you know what to take if you were evacuated from your home?

The information in these pages will give you some ideas about what you can do. You can also download our Don't Panic - PREPARE! booklet (PDF).

Emergency kit

In an emergency you may lose power, gas and water or have to evacuate your home.

The emergency services may not be able to reach you immediately and you may have to support yourself and your family for a time.

An emergency kit of basic essentials stored in your home will help you. Keep a contents list attached to the outside of a kit box or bag indicating items with an expiry date. Remember to replace items before they go out of date. Store the kit somewhere safe and accessible and make sure everyone knows where it is kept.

Some suggestions for the basic essentials you should include in your Emergency Kit include:

  • spare house or car keys
  • written procedures for switching off gas, electricity and water supplies
  • details of prescription medication or equipment (make sure these are kept up to date)
  • a copy of your emergency contact list
  • identification documents and other important papers like insurance information
  • credit or debit cards and cash (machines may not be available)
  • spare glasses or contact lenses (if worn)
  • several days’ supply of bottled drinking water and emergency food supply that does not require preparation
  • whistle (for attracting attention)
  • first aid kit
  • battery powered or wind-up torch
  • battery powered or wind-up radio with frequencies of local stations marked on for convenience
  • candles and matches
  • notebook and pen or pencil
  • spare batteries for radio and torch
  • spare phone charger

Until the Police advise you to leave your home...Go in, Stay in and Tune in

Being prepared and being kept informed on developing emergency situations reduces anxiety. Radio and television will be the main means of communicating what is happening and information will also be available on trusted social media platforms.

There is an agreement with radio and TV companies that, if there is a major incident, they will interrupt broadcasting to give public safety advice and information about the incident. They will also advise if a public helpline has been established.

You can also get information by visiting any of the emergency services or the BBC’s Bradford and West Yorkshire web page, where you will find public information on the incident.

BBC Radio Leeds will be one of the broadcasters of emergency service messages. A list of local radio stations serving the Bradford District is provided below.

Radio Station Frequencies
BBC Radio Leeds 92.4, 95.3, 102.7 and 103.9FM, 774AM, and DAB
BCB 106.6FM (Bradford)
Galaxy 105, 105.1 and 105.6FM, and DAB
Radio Aire 96.3FM, and DAB
Real Radio 106 to 108FM, and DAB
Sunrise 103.2FM, and DAB (Bradford's Asian Community)
The Pulse 97.5 and 102.5FM, and DAB (Bradford)

(Some radio stations may not be able to broadcast emergency messages during the night or at weekends)

What should I do if I'm evacuated?

If an emergency requires you to evacuate then the Police will organise this. Bradford Council will open and manage a rest centre to accommodate and care for you.

If there is time before leaving your property, take the following:

  • appropriate clothing
  • medication
  • essential items for babies and children
  • essential items for pets
  • ensure all windows and doors are closed
  • switch off gas and electricity
  • home and car key
  • mobile phone and charger

Advice for businesses

Visit our Business Continuity Management page for more information about what you and your business can do to plan-respond-recover.

Rest Centres

What is a rest centre?

If there has been an incident in your area which you needed to be evacuated from, for your own safety, you will go to a rest centre.

What do I do when I get there?

  • Complete a registration form as soon as possible.
  • Inform staff of any special requirements or needs to make your stay more comfortable, for example dietary requirements or any medical needs.
  • Relax, be patient, you will be kept updated when information is made available.
  • Refreshments will be available as soon as possible.

How will people know where I am?

If you have a mobile phone, you can advise family and friends of the incident and your current location. For those without mobile phones, telephones will be made available so you can contact friends or relatives if needed.

If necessary the Police will receive information on who is here and this will be stored on the Casualty Bureau database held by the Police. If you have any problems informing someone of your whereabouts please do not hesitate to speak to a member of staff.

How can I get more information?

Information will be issued at the centre at regular intervals.

An information desk is available to deal with any specific enquiries you may have.

You can ask a member of staff. They will be identified by high visibility jackets, badges or tabards.

What facilities are available?

  • light refreshments and meals (where necessary). Please note meals and drinks are free.
  • toilets and washing facilities.
  • nursing mothers' areas and children's play areas.
  • first aid and sickbay facilities.
  • care for pets (can be arranged).
  • welfare teams who will deal with any welfare problems you may be experiencing.
  • overnight accommodation if necessary, and housing assessment needs if required.

What about my children at school?

If the need arises schools and nurseries will be contacted and arrangements will be made to safely care for the children until you can be reunited.

During your stay at the rest centre

Following Rest Centre Registration, you are free to come and go as you please, for example go to work or school, and visit friends.

We would, however be grateful if you can sign out and sign in at the main Rest Centre Reception Desk each time; as it is necessary to know how many people are in the Rest Centre for your safety and administration purposes.

If you have any valuables with you and would like them to be kept safe whilst you are here, please see a member of staff. If a safe is not available at the centre, your valuables will remain your responsibility.

All our staff will be happy to help with any queries you might have while you are at the Rest Centre.

Alcohol will not be allowed on the premises at any time and staff reserve the right to confiscate any found. It will be returned when you leave.

Drugs will not be tolerated on the premises and anyone suspected of having them will be reported to the police as a matter of course.

Rude or aggressive behaviour towards staff or other people will also not be tolerated at the centre.

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