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Sustainable travel to school strategy

Healthier, safer and more active journeys to school

It is important to think about how your child gets to and from school, particularly when applying for school places. Although some children are entitled to free transport to school, many need to make their own way there.

Children who walk or cycle to school tend to be healthier, fitter and more alert in class than children who are driven. In addition, these more sustainable journeys reduce congestion, help combat climate change and reduce air pollution.

Leaving the car at home has real benefits for you and your child.

This summary explains what the council is doing to make this easier, through Bradford’s Sustainable Travel to School Strategy.

A small number of pupils may be eligible for free home to school transport depending on:

  • a child’s distance from their nearest school and availability of other school places closer to home
  • income
  • the safety of the walking routes (in limited cases)

You can read more about the Home to School Transport Policy on our website.

Why are we doing this?

It is Bradford Council’s strategy with the help from partner organisations to help make walking, cycling and use of passenger transport a realistic and attractive option for journeys to schools and colleges.

This strategy aims to:

  • work with schools to help develop their School Travel Plan
  • improve walking routes
  • improve cycling routes
  • promote walking and cycling
  • implement initiatives and work with school to improve road safety
  • monitor bus travel to schools
  • implement the new Post 16 Transport Policy
  • promote sustainable travel methods to 14 to 19 year olds undertaking further education
  • continually review the Home to School and College Travel Policy
  • develop an effective Independent Travel Training Scheme
  • publicise travel to school information

Contact us

Education Client Services
Children's Services
City Of Bradford Metropolitan District Council
Margaret McMillan Tower
Princes Way

Phone: 01274 385988