Website maintenance on Friday and Sunday

We will be doing maintenance to our website systems on Friday, 27 and Sunday, 29 September. more »

Child performance

The law in relation to children in entertainment and performance licences applies to all children from birth until they reach compulsory school leaving age. In England, this is the last Friday in June of the school year when the child reaches the age of 16 and finishes Year 11 at school.

Performances that require a licence

Any performance:

  • In connection with which a charge is being made (whether for admission or otherwise)
  • At licensed premises or a registered club
  • That is broadcast, that is recorded by whatever means with a view to it being used in a broadcast, or film intended for public exhibition

Read examples of when a performance licence may or may not be required.

The application has to be made to the Local Authority where the child lives, not where the performance is taking place (unless the performance is covered by a BOPA).

The person responsible for the performance is required to complete part 1 and the parent or legal guardian of the young person is responsible for completing part 2.

You will need to provide ID documentation with all applications along with a recent colour photograph. A copy of the organisations child protection policy & a risk assessment.

If time out of school is needed, you will need to provide either a:

  • school permission letter with official letter head
  • email from school giving permission, showing sender of email from school

To apply, download and complete the performance licence standard application form from the downloads section on NNCEE.

Email completed applications to including all required supporting documentation.

We require 21 days’ notice when submitting a performance licence application however we will try to issue licences within 10 working days’ notice where possible. If you are submitting large numbers of applications for the same production i.e. more than 10 applications please contact us directly to discuss approximate processing times.

Body of Persons licence (BOPA)

A BOPA can be issued to some organisations putting on non-professional or amateur performances such as dance schools and drama groups that involve children under 16 who are not receiving payment or require time off school.

BOPA’s are usually issued per performance, but can be given for a 12 month period.

Organisations wishing to apply for the BOPA will need to provide:

  • a copy of their organisations child protection policy
  • copies of their insurance documentation
  • health safety and fire certificates (if the production is being held in a non-council building)

Email your forms to including all required supporting documentation.

For more information about the requirements, visit:


If you have any concerns about the welfare of a child on a production

  • contact us at or
  • report your concerns to the National Network for Children in Employment and Entertainment, or
  • contact the Police, all concerns will be treated seriously, in confidence and fully investigated

Contact details

Complete applications should be send to

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