How does the Digital Economy theme support district plan outcomes?
Children have the best start in life
The comprehensive programme of initiatives through the Digital Skills Partnership and CTE Partnership Boards will help provide opportunities to young people.
Strong relationships between employers and training providers providing good quality skills and training opportunities will inspire a student population, provide increased apprenticeship uptake for ICT, growth of graduate skills retention in the region and provision of more work-ready students to support the Bradford economy.
Closing the attainment gap for disadvantaged learners, so that each of our communities are able to access and progress in learning, and experience the economic benefits.
Residents achieve good health and wellbeing
The “AI for Bradford” Partnership will have a great impact in making the district a leader in AI innovation and creating skills and employment opportunities through the attraction and creation of highly innovative companies.
A productive, resilient and innovative economy will offer a higher standard of living and is based on a highly skilled, diverse and flexible workforce.
Many examples of AI in health, for example, it can improve accuracy and efficiency in breast screening. It can use algorithms to identify poor quality services at an early stage and inform corrective action, for example, poor Care identified and passed to inspectors for further assessment and action.
Sustainable economic growth and decent work for all
It will contribute to a high density of high tech companies and of entrepreneurs with less reliance on legacy industries such as, low tech manufacturing and low wage service sectors. The Innovation Partnership will have a great impact making the district a-leader-in-innovation and creating skills and employment opportunities. Increasing the sales, the number of companies and number of jobs in the Green Economy sector with strong sub-sector resilience will provide opportunities for decent work.
Safe, sustainable and inclusive communities
A productive, resilient and innovative economy will offer a higher standard of living and is based on a highly skilled, diverse and flexible workforce.
Action at all levels to address climate and environmental change
A thriving Green Economy will encourage and provide opportunity for best practices to address climate change.