Making Better Use of Technology and Data

Our district wide ambition is set out in our Digital strategy - Digital Strategy Bradford has made a commitment to data led decision making and investing in skills and innovation.

Born in Bradford is one of the largest research studies in the World, tracking the lives of over 30,000 Bradfordians to find out what influences the health and wellbeing of families. We plan to use the findings from this study to develop new and practical ways to work with communities to shape the regenerate plans for our district and develop the built environment in a way that maximises improvements to the health and wellbeing of our communities.

Within the Local Authority this manifests itself through a few cross-council work streams:

Data & Intelligence Board – The Council has an action plan to support our part of the delivery of the strategy focus on data. This action plan includes a training programme for staff, a partnership focus to create Data as One on key themes for example predictive data models and generating cultural data maturity and legacy from our City of Culture status.

Bradford has one of the first ten Health Determinants Research Collaboratives building research structure within Local Authorities. This work is delivering the following:

  • Rapid reviews of existing evidence and accessible briefings.
  • Data and modelling to support whole system linked data across local government, NHS and other local agencies.
  • Training staff in research methods to support choosing, using and generating research.

Bradford is piloting Robotic Process Development. This is being carried out under our new AI policy. This approach will allow staff time to be refocus on complex decision making and tasks.