
Bradford is the ninth largest council in England with a population of 560,200 and it is the fifth largest Metropolitan Authority. However, given its size, diversity, levels of need and the scale of the financial pressures it presents a greater level of complexity. Bradford is a major economic centre with 16,600 businesses and a £12bn economy, its growth potential has seen it named as one of the UK’s leading growth opportunities. Bradford will be UK City of Culture 2025 and local leaders are progressing an ambitious pipeline of projects that are designed to unleash the district’s potential Central to those plans is a new rail station which would unlock significant regional growth.

Our productivity plan must be set against the fact that since 2011 our population has increased by 7.1% (37,100 people) whilst we have had to find £298 million of cuts and savings due to national austerity measures, inflation and increased demand.

Bradford’s assets include enterprising, globally connected businesses and a strong manufacturing base; innovative public services; a vibrant voluntary and community sector and a university at the forefront of thinking on the circular economy and boasting the highest numbers of AI students in the country. A powerful data and analytics offer includes Born in Bradford’s unique evidence base of the factors affecting the wellbeing of children and families.

The district does though, face significant challenges to achieving its full potential. Bradford has persistent high levels of deprivation and is England’s 5th most income deprived local authority district with 36% of children living in low-income households. Weekly wages are £70 below the national average, unemployment is above average. An educational attainment gap between Bradford and the rest of the country persists and the number of people with good qualifications is relatively low.