Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

Complaint handling performance

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council is committed to providing an excellent standard of customer service and using valuable customer feedback to improve the services it delivers across the district.

Annual reports are produced by the Corporate Complaints team to outline the activity and performance related to complaint handling across all Council departments.

In addition to this, a further report is submitted to the Council’s Governance and Audit regulatory committee on an annual basis. This serves to monitor complaint handling performance by the elected members of the Council.

To view the latest annual reports please see the following:

Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

Council complaint performance is also reviewed and monitored in relation to complaints which are received and investigated by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. To view the performance details of any Local Authority, including Bradford Council, please visit the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.