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How to become a registered childminder

Are you considering becoming a childminder?

You can access a free information session - are you interested in becoming a childminder?

Please read the rest of this page for more information.

What is a childminder?

Childminders work in their own home caring for other people’s children for more than two hours a day, they are self-employed, and run their own business. Childminders look after children for reward in their own home. They can care for up to six children under the age of eight at any one time. They may also care for additional children over the age of 8.

A childminder must register with Ofsted or a Childminding Agency to ensure they and their home meets legal requirements. Ofsted or the Agency will inspect and regulate the childminding services. Anyone working or living on the premises over the age of 16 must apply for a Disclosure and Barring Service Check to ensure they do not have a criminal record or any other issues that may affect the care of the children.

There are two registers; Early Years register and Childcare register (which has a compulsory and voluntary part). Many childminders choose to register on both, but some choose to register on the Childcare register if they plan to only provide out of school care to children in year one and above. You can find more information on the website.

As a childminder you will deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework (EYFS) and:

  • Offer a high quality inclusive education and care that meets the needs of all the children in your setting
  • Create an ambitious curriculum that will help children build their learning over time, to include opportunities for playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically
  • Offer a well-planned learning environment indoors and outside
  • Work in partnership with parents to encourage children’s learning and development at home

What training is required?

Before registering as a childminder, you need to decide what age children you want to care for so you can choose the correct register to register on, this will be either the Early Years Register or the Childcare Register.

If you plan on registering on the Early Years Register then you must;

  • complete a paediatric first aid course – 12 hour
  • demonstrate they have knowledge and understanding of the Early years Foundation Stage Framework 2024 (EYFS) including how to implement it, as part of your registration with Ofsted
  • attend a child protection course that helps you to identify, understand and respond appropriately to signs of possible abuse and neglect at the earliest opportunity
  • have sufficient understanding and use of English to ensure the well-being of children in their care

There are a different set of registration requirements for the Childcare Register.

Is it possible to become a childminder without attending a training course, this could be due to my qualifications and experience?

Training is not a legal requirement for early years childminders as of 4 January 2024, however you must meet the criteria set out above and demonstrate it to your inspector as part of your registration visit.

More information about Ofsted can be found Childminders and childcare providers register with ofsted and registering to become a childminder with Ofsted – what to expect

You can choose to register with Ofsted or a Childminding Agency (CMA). If you choose to register with an Agency, you will receive support and training from the Agency to register, not Bradford Council.

To find out more about more watch the Information session - are you considering becoming a childminder?

What is the process and how long does it take?

The process can take between six and twelve months from starting the process to registering as a childminder. You should aim to complete the registration process as soon as possible and within a year of accessing the pre-recorded information session and/or attending the training as a childminder to ensure that your knowledge and training is current.

Will I get support from Bradford Council?

If you choose to register with Ofsted and follow the Bradford Council’s training route by attending the training to register as a childminder, a named officer will be allocated to you and will guide you through Ofsted’s registration process.

If you choose to register with a childminding agency, you will access training and support from your chosen childminding agency. If you wish to offer funded entitlement places Bradford Council will guide you through the Bradford Council application process.

Are you considering becoming a childminder?

You can access a free information session - are you interested in becoming a childminder?

If you have general queries about becoming a registered childminder, please email

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