Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

Drugs and alcohol

The misuse of alcohol and drugs can cause great problems and be very distressing for the individual and his/her family. For support, help and information contact the organisations listed below.

Young people's drug and alcohol services

Bridge Young Persons Drug and Alcohol Service (One80)

The service is for Young people up to age 21 living across the district of Bradford, who are concerned about their own use of drugs and alcohol and Family members, friends, schools, social workers and other professionals who are concerned about a young person’s use of drugs and alcohol.

The service offers:

  • Telephone support and consultation with young people who are concerned about their own use of drugs and alcohol
  • Telephone support and consultation with family members, friends, schools, social workers and other professionals who are concerned about a young person’s use of drugs and alcohol
  • Holistic assessment of need
  • Integrated work with family and services involved with young people
  • Working together to create a clear action plan that is regularly updated
  • Packages of individual education and treatment support based on need, from brief interventions through to structured treatment
  • Practical supports including referral pathways to other health and wellbeing services
  • Direct work with parents and referral to relevant support services
  • Liaison with a wide range of professionals involved with young people who are referred and are accessing the service

Telephone: 01274 745636

Adult drug and alcohol services

New Vision Bradford

New Vision Bradford is a free and confidential drug and alcohol recovery service for adults 18 years and over (including offenders), families and concerned others in the Bradford District.

The service can support you with any questions or concerns you might have about prescription medications, alcohol, illegal drugs, 'dual diagnosis' and mental health, steroid use and more.

The service provides information, advice, treatment and support and can meet you in a range of different venues including GP surgeries, pharmacies and other local community venues.

Telephone number: 01274 296023

National Drugs helpline

Talk to Frank

Frank is a website and telephone helpline offering advice, information and support to anyone concerned about drugs and solvent /volatile substance misuse, including drug misusers, their families, friends and carers.

National drugs helpline: 0300 123 6600 - available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
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