Website maintenance

We will be doing maintenance to our website and online forms between Friday and Monday. If you have problems using our online forms, please try again later. more »

Apply to do business with us

Suppliers can find out about and apply for Council business through:


On 31 December 2021 the e-procurement portal that was used by Bradford Council ( moved to a new platform (

This change forms part of a key deliverable in our Procurement Strategy 2021-25 to digitally transform our procurement processes for the benefit of the Council and suppliers.

Suppliers - please register your organisation on the new platform as soon as possible at If your organisation is already registered on this platform please check your organisation profile is up to date with suitable contact details included.

You can read guidance on how to register (PDF, 100 Kb).

Here are two videos from Go 4 Growth on how to register and set up alerts.

Supplier helpdesk


0800 840 2050 during office hours only (9am to 5pm).

Selection questionnaires

As part of some procurement processes you will be asked to complete a standard selection questionnaire. Here is the guidance for completing selection questionnaires (PDF, 245 Kb).

Find a Tender

At 11pm on 31 December 2020, the Find a Tender service replaced Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) in the UK public procurement process.

The Council previously published OJEU notices on TED but now use Find a Tender.

Notices published before this change are still on TED.

Suppliers can use Find a Tender to search for high-value opportunities above threshold across the whole of the UK.

What contracts does the Council already have?

We already have many contracts with suppliers for a wide range of goods, works and services. Further information on these contracts is available on our Contracts Register.