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Low Street improvement work well underway

Completed new paving on Low Street

Work to improve a street in the heart of Keighley is well underway, following funding from the Keighley Towns Fund. 

Low Street is a vibrant retail location located between the Airedale Shopping Centre and the market. The scheme to upgrade it has been designed by Bradford Council’s Landscape, Design and Conservation Team. 

In 2019, the first phase of work was completed at the Church Green end of Low Street, and was well received. This second phase to complete the section from Market Street through to Hanover Street, began at the end of May this year and has been funded by £505,000 from the Keighley Towns Fund. 

Cllr Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s Executive Member for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said: “It is great to see the Towns Fund having such a significant impact.  After the first phase of work, we received positive feedback and we’re sure that residents, businesses and visitors will really appreciate this final phase when it is completed.” 

Ian Hayfield, Chair of Keighley’s Town Deal Board, said: “The work on Low Street has been going so well and we’re delighted with the progress. It will be a great improvement to an already vibrant part of the town. We’re so pleased to see another Towns Fund project making such a positive difference to Keighley." 

The infrastructure work is now well underway and includes new stone paving, new seating and lighting. As part of the improvements additional planters and signage will be installed on Market Street to narrow the carriageway and make it clear that the area has been pedestrianised.  

Steve Seymour, Manager of the Airedale Shopping Centre, said: “Following on from the first phase of public realm works, the ongoing improvements to Low Street have made a positive difference to the appearance and paths on Low Street and the approach to the centre.

“The new finishes are, in my view, modern yet in keeping with the Yorkshire features and appearance. Once the new lighting and pavement works are completed, it will create a fresh, bright and attractive appearance for the area.” 

The Low Street works have been delivered in sections to minimise disruption and allow businesses to operate as normal and are expected to be completed in early Autumn. 

About the Towns Fund

Keighley received £33.6m from the Government after the Towns Fund board successfully applied for funding, with support from Bradford Council. The funding will be spent on capital projects designed to improve connectivity, improving local land use, making the best use of economic and cultural assets and improving local skills and enterprise infrastructure.