Urgent marriages and civil partnerships

Under certain circumstances the 29 days waiting period between notice and ceremony or formation can be reduced, with authority from the Registrar General.

Registrar General’s Licence

Where one party is seriously ill and not expected to recover and due to their illness, they cannot be moved to a place registered for marriage or civil partnership.

Ceremonies under Registrar’s General Licence Act can take place at any location, including people’s homes, hospitals, and hospices.

To discuss a ceremony by Registrar’s General licence, please contact the ceremonies team on 01274 432151 and choose option 1, alternatively email your enquiry and contact details to noticebook@bradford.gov.uk

Waiver to the 29 days waiting period

In certain circumstances it is possible to request a waiver to the 29 days waiting period.

For example, this may be where one of the parties to the marriage or civil partnership is due to begin treatment for an illness which may impact on their ability to attend the ceremony after the 29 days. Or where a close family member, that is, parent, sibling or child is seriously ill and may not be able to attend the ceremony or formation after the 29 days waiting period.

There is an additional Waiver fee charged per person, this is in addition to the notice fee. 

Details of the Waiver fee, charged per person can be found on the fees page.

Find out more on the legal requirements to get married

For further information please contact the ceremonies team on 01274 432151 and choose option 1, alternatively email your enquiry and contact details to noticebook@bradford.gov.uk