Keighley Town Hall ceremony suite

The Register Office is located in Keighley Town Hall on the ground floor.

About the ceremony suite

Keighley Town Hall ceremony suite holds up to 31 guests, plus yourselves and two witnesses.  

The ceremony suite seats a maximum of 35 people.

About the ceremony

Once you have given notice of marriage or civil partnership you will be provided with a pack which explains your ceremony. 

If you would like to know more about the content of the ceremony or formation before giving your notices of marriage or civil partnership the Register Office staff will be happy to discuss this with you.

A video camera may be used, for which guidelines are available and there is the opportunity for all present to take photographs after the signing of the schedule with one nominated photographer able to take photographs throughout.

In order to ensure the proceedings run smoothly, you and your party are asked to arrive approximately 10 minutes before the appointed time.

When do ceremonies take place?

Ceremonies take place on:

  • Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - 1.30pm to 3.30pm
  • Saturday 9.30am to 11.30am 

Contact us to arrange a date or to make a general enquiry about a ceremony