The documents you will need to show

When you give a notice of marriage or civil partnership formation you will be required to produce certain documents, these include:

Evidence of name, date of birth and nationality

One of the following must be produced showing the name of the person giving notice. This must be an original copy.

  • A valid passport
  • Certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British Citizen granted by the Secretary of State
  • UK birth certificate (born before 1 January 1983)
  • Full UK birth certificate (born after 1 January 1983) together with:
    • Evidence of either parents’ British citizenship or settled status at the time of birth (this can be birth certificate, passport or a registration/naturalisation certificate). If the evidence relates to the father, the parents’ marriage certificate must also be produced 
    • A deed poll or statutory declaration if you have changed your name by formal means

From 1 July 2021, EEA ID cards are no longer be accepted as proof of nationality or immigration status when giving notice to marry or form a civil partnership in the UK.

  • If you or your partner are subject to immigration control, you will need to give notice together. You will need to bring passport size photos and prove your Immigration status during the notice appointment, for example marriage visa. If you do not have proof, your application to get married will need to be approved by Immigration Enforcement after you have given notice. This may take up to 70 days. Read more about this on GOV.UK.
  • You will also need to provide evidence of nationality

Evidence of address

One of the following must be produced showing the name of the person giving notice. This must be an original copy.

  • Council tax bill, dated within 1 year 
  • Valid driving licence 
  • Utility bill, dated within 3 months
  • Bank, building society statement or passbook, dated with 1 month 
  • Mortgage statement dated within 1 year 
  • Current tenancy agreement 
  • A letter from the owner/proprietor of the address where the person giving notice has been resident for the seven days immediately prior to giving the notice. This must state that they are the owner or proprietor, their name and address, be signed and dated

Evidence of ending of previous marriage or civil partnership

  • An original decree of divorce or nullity or dissolution of civil partnership granted in England, Wales or any court of civil jurisdiction in any part of the British Islands. If you were divorced abroad or your marriage was annulled abroad it will need to be the original divorce document issued by that country together with a translation if the document is in a foreign language. If the dissolution of civil partnership took place outside England or Wales, we would need to see a certified copy of the final dissolution order together with a translation of the document is in a foreign language. 
  • Death certificate of late spouse or civil partner

Any supporting evidence to link the person giving notice to the evidence document produced (for example, marriage certificate).

All documents must be original as photocopies are not acceptable.

Make an enquiry about a Notice of marriage or civil partnership formation