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Council Tax Reduction - from April 2018

How has the scheme changed?

From 1 April 2018, the Council Tax Reduction (CTR) scheme changed, including:

  • CTR now based on band A properties - regardless of what band your property is in. 
  • The maximum amount of CTR that can be awarded is 70% of the band A property charge.
  • The minimum CTR entitlement is £4 per week. 
  • Changes of circumstance affecting a claim by less than £1 per week will not result in a change in the amount of CTR you receive. 
  • Alternative Maximum Assistance no longer exists for working age claimants.
  • After their first year in business, self-employed claimants are assessed on actual earnings, or the national minimum wage for 35 hours a week - whichever is greater. 

Extra help for people affected by these changes

The CTR Discretionary Support Scheme aims to help those most affected by the CTR changes to make the financial transition to the new scheme.

There is no automatic right to this support, so not all applications will be successful.

Who might qualify for Discretionary Support?

You must:

  • have been in receipt of CTR on the 31 March 2018
  • have been in receipt of CTR on the 1 April 2018
  • have lost out by more than £5 per week because of the scheme changes
  • be working age (Pension age people are not affected by the changes)
  • need assistance to pay the additional contribution due to the scheme changes

How much can I get?

This will depend on how much you lost due to the scheme changes in April 2018.

How do I apply?

You can apply for CTR Discretionary Support online.

For any queries, contact us online about the CTR discretionary support scheme.

Contact details

If you have fallen behind with your Council Tax payments, call : 01274 437792
If you have a query about your CTR entitlement, call : 01274 432772