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Assisted Purchase Scheme

What is the Assisted Purchase Scheme?

The Assisted Purchase Scheme is a low cost solution for people to buy essential items such as beds, electric cookers, fridge freezers, sofas, microwaves and washing machines.

Can I apply for the Assisted Purchase Scheme?

We can help you purchase good quality second hand items with interest free payments to suit your financial situation, if you are in receipt of one of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
  • Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Housing Benefit
  • Council Tax reduction.

And, you fall into at least one of these categories:

  • you have recently left care
  • you have recently left prison
  • you have recently left a women’s refuge or hostel
  • you are at risk of entering a care home
  • you are fleeing domestic violence
  • you are experiencing extreme financial pressure.

How do I apply?

Apply to the Assisted Purchase Scheme

What happens after I apply?

Some applications will be refused at the point of application if you do not meet the criteria of our scheme.

If your application is accepted it will be further assessed by our team:

  • The team will contact you by telephone to discuss the application form and make a decision on the items to be purchased and a payment plan to suit your budget.
  • If successful, you will receive a letter with the details of our partner organisations. You must take this letter with you to purchase your items.
  • Delivery will be made to your home address and delivery costs can be added to your loan.
  • You will need to start making repayments after the goods have been delivered.

There is no right of appeal against decisions we make about your application.

I have a question about my application

If you have questions about the application, please contact us.