Website maintenance on Friday and Sunday

We will be doing maintenance to our website systems on Friday, 25 and Sunday, 27 October. more »

Bradford medication support guidance

Prior to giving any support with medication and to meet the Regulator’s registration requirements, The Council has developed a Medication Support Guidance with accompanying procedures, which reflects our organisational circumstances, contractual obligations and indemnity insurance cover. There is an expectation that social care providers under any contractual arrangement with the Council will be obliged to have their own Medication Policy which will as a minimum make reference to the Council’s Medication Support Guidance.

The Council will ensure that it keeps up-to-date with changes to medication support in the community by taking note of regulatory guidance on medication issues, observing medication safety alerts and taking account of medication support in the community advice from organisations such as NICE, UKHCA, Royal Pharmaceutical Society, Department of Health and other Local Authorities.

Endorsement statement - The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)

Bradford Medication Support Guidance

This booklet accurately reflects recommendations in the NICE guidance on managing medicines for adults receiving social care in the community.

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
January 2020


The medication support guidance will be reviewed and updated on an 'as and when required' basis in accordance with any national updates.

This will be done as part of the Council Service Improvement Board, which takes place every month.

In addition, feel free to send any comments/suggestions you may have to the below details, which will then be discussed at our monthly Service Improvement Board and followed up with any necessary amendments thereafter: