Report a safeguarding adults concern
Everyone has the right to live free from abuse and neglect
Safeguarding means protecting the rights of Adults at Risk to live free from abuse and neglect or the risk of it.
An Adult at Risk is someone who:
- has care and support needs
- is at risk of or experiencing abuse and neglect
- as a result of their care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of or experience of abuse and or neglect
If you want more information on safeguarding adults before reporting your concerns please visit the Safer Bradford website.
You can use our online form to report safeguarding adults concerns.
Staff members
If you work in care, health, a private or voluntary setting, you should always complete our online form to report concerns about an adult who is at risk of or experiencing abuse and neglect
Report a safeguarding adults concern now
Members of the public
If you feel you or anyone you know is at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect you can report it by completing our online form
Report a safeguarding adults concern now
Please contact 01274 431077 to speak to a member of our Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) who will provide you with support, advice and guidance to report your concerns
If there is an adult or child who is in immediate danger contact the Police by dialling 999 for urgent assistance
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 5pm
Friday: 8.30am to 4.30pm
Outside of opening hours: this is handed over to the Emergency Duty Team (EDT).
Out of hours Emergency Duty Team
Telephone: 01274 435400 (outside office hours)
Further information about safeguarding adults
For further information about safeguarding adults, including our policies, please visit the Safer Bradford website.