Help with heating costs

People burn solid fuels for different reasons. Solid fuel appliances are often a lifestyle choice, introduced primarily to create a ‘cosy’ home. In these cases, use of the appliance can be readily avoided or kept to a minimum, but for a minority of households a solid fuel appliance may be the only available or affordable source of heat. If you are in this position you may be able to access a grant to install alternative forms of heating and/or to help insulate your home to reduce overall heating needs.

There are also a number of other support and advice schemes available to help you with the cost of living, including the cost of heating your home.

You are encouraged to seek help to use an alternative source of heat rather than burning solid fuels as these are likely to be cheaper and more efficient in the longer term, and safer for your health and that of others.

You should never resort to burning waste materials of any kind to keep warm. If you are thinking about using an existing open fireplace, solid fuel appliance or chimney that hasn’t been used for a long time you should get it checked by a professional to ensure it is fit for purpose and ensure the chimney has been swept and is free from blockages before.

Using a faulty appliance or lighting a fire under a blocked chimney can result in a build-up of poisonous carbon monoxide in your home or could result in a chimney fire. If you are regularly burning solid fuels or using a gas appliance in your home fitting an inexpensive carbon monoxide detector could save your life.