How much is the rent?

The rent will vary depending on where the property is located, the type and size of it and whether it is furnished or unfurnished.

It is very important to remember

if you are receiving Housing Benefit/Local Housing Allowance (if you are renting private accommodation,) then this is usually restricted for single people under 25 to the cost of a single room or bedsit. This restriction applies in the private rented sector (this restriction does not apply to all housing providers or housing associations) regardless of what your landlord will charge you for rent. This means if you choose to move into an expensive property you would have to pay the rest of the rent from your benefits. Please note there maybe exceptions, for example if you have left care or are a single parent. Check with a Housing Aid Agency/Access point.


  • Beware of agents who try to charge you money before finding you a property, as this is illegal. They can only charge you after they have found you somewhere to live. Before signing a tenancy agreement (an agreement between you and your landlord/lady stating who is responsible for such things as repairs, decorating, bills, and how much notice you must give before leaving the accommodation etc), it may be useful to have this checked by a Housing Adviser.
  • Ask the landlord/lady for an inventory list (a list of contents in the accommodation).
  • Make sure you get a receipt for any money handed over. It may be useful to have a rent book to record all the rent paid. If there is any disrepair in your home, ask your landlord to carry out any necessary repairs. If he does not do as you ask, contact your local Housing Aid Centre/ Access point who will be able to advise you of your rights or contact the Council.
  • Try not to get behind with your rent as your landlord may take action to get you out of the property. If you do get into arrears with your rent, you should get advice quickly from your local Housing Advice Centre

Where to find out more

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