Exemption information

Exemption process is now open for Bradford District residents and businesses with non-compliant vehicles.

I currently have a vehicle exemption, what happens if I buy a new vehicle?

Exemptions cannot be transferred from one vehicle to another.

If you change your vehicle for any reason, the exemption for your old vehicle will be cancelled and cannot be transferred to another vehicle. if your replacement vehicle is not compliant with the CAZ emissions standards you will need to pay the CAZ daily charges.

We advise that you check any vehicle for CAZ charges prior to purchase on the Government website.

Exemption information

Passenger cars and motorbikes will not be charged in the Bradford Clean Air Zone.

In addition to the above any compliant vehicle (for example, a taxi owner who has bought a less polluting vehicle) will not be charged and you do not need to apply for an exemption

Check whether you need to pay

If the vehicle checker shows that your vehicle will be charged to drive in the Clean Air Zone you may be eligible for a national or local exemption.

Please be aware that for Local SME vehicles, Residents vehicles, motorised horsebox and motor caravans, and limited supply vehicle exemption categories, the non-compliant vehicle for which the exemption is being applied for must have been owned by the applicant prior to 26 September 2022.

In order to continuously improve air quality we hope that vehicles purchased from 26 September 2022 will meet CAZ standards. This means that there will be no charge to drive these vehicles into the zone as they will be compliant.

There are no exemptions available for vehicles purchased from 26 September 2022 onwards.

Find out more information about exemptions on the tables below.

Local exemptions - Bradford District

Local Exemptions are available to businesses and residents of the Bradford District only, unless otherwise stated.

Exemption is not automatic, you need to apply for all exemptions apart from Motor Caravans (M1).

Type of vehicle Description Further information
Private hire vehicles with 5 to 8 passenger seats Licensed private hire vehicles with 5 to 8 passenger seats (not wheelchair accessible) Minimum Euro 6 diesel or Euro 4 petrol or Euro 4 LPG. Vehicle operators based outside of the Bradford District can apply
LPG Private hire vehicles up to 4 passenger seats Licensed private hire vehicles (not wheelchair accessible) converted to run on liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Conversion by a UKLPG approved installer Minimum Euro 5 LPG standard. Vehicle operators based outside of the Bradford District can apply
Community transport vehicles Public Service Vehicles (PSVs) operating under a community transport permit issued under Section 19 or 22 of the Transport Act 1985, issued to a body designated by the Secretary of State. Minimum Euro 4 standard, including diesel particulate filter (DPF), Vehicle operators based outside of the district can apply
Charity vehicles Vehicle is owned or leased to a charity which operates in the district Charities registered outside of the Bradford District can apply for an exemption
School buses Used for the purpose of taking school pupils to or from school. This includes taking pupils from inside or outside the district to a school inside Bradford District, and also taking Bradford pupils to a school outside of the Bradford district. Minimum Euro 4 standard, including diesel particulate filter (DPF). Vehicle operators based outside of the district can apply
Specialist vehicles Includes vehicle types:
Vehicle designed or adapted to clear snow or provide gritting
Buses and coaches converted for the purpose of driver training
Mobile crane
Mobile pump
Digging machine
Road roller
Recovery vehicles and breakdown trucks over 3,500kg revenue weight
Agricultural vehicles*
Vehicle operators based outside of the Bradford District can apply
*Vehicles specified as agricultural but not nationally exempt
Local SME vehicles Local businesses can apply for up to 3 vehicle exemptions from CAZ charges. Businesses up to Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) can apply Vehicle must be registered within the Bradford District in the name of the applicant business - When an exempted vehicle is no longer registered with the original applicant business it will not be considered for any further exemption
Residents vehicles Bradford residents can apply for an exemption from CAZ charges for one private vehicle per applicant of any vehicle Class, in addition to any exemption for motor caravans and motorised horseboxes.
Please note: Private passenger vehicles will never be charged, you do not have to register your car for an exemption
Vehicle must be registered within the Bradford District in the name of the applicant. When an exempted vehicle is no longer registered with the original applicant it will not be considered for any further exemption. Resident exemptions are not available for hackney carriages or private hire vehicles.
Motorised horseboxes and motor caravans Bradford residents can apply for an exemption from CAZ charges for one motor caravan or motorised horsebox. Vehicle must be registered within the Bradford District in the name of the applicant - Vehicles not to be used for hire or reward purposes. When an exempted vehicle is no longer registered with the original applicant it will not be considered for any further exemption
Limited Supply Vehicles Owners or registered keepers of non-compliant vehicles who can demonstrate arrangements to replace or modify such vehicles to comply with the Bradford CAZ emission standards but are awaiting delivery or modification by a third-party supplier. Sunset exemption period can be provided to Bradford residents and registered businesses
Motor caravans (M1) Class L vehicles registered with a type approval of Class M1 (motorhome body type) Vehicles both in and outside the district will have this exemption in the Bradford CAZ.
This exemption it is automatically applied based on your vehicle tax class. You do not need to apply.
Showman's vehicles Showman's HGV and showman's haulage The vehicle V5c document must show that the vehicle is a showman’s HGV or haulage vehicle.
Emergency response vehicles
Vehicles used for the following purposes: Police vehicles, fire engines, ambulances, mine rescue vehicles, lifeboat vehicle and mountain rescue services There is no national database for emergency vehicles
Agricultural and similar vehicles Vehicles that are used solely for the purpose of agriculture, horticulture or forestry Vehicles with an agricultural tax class

National exemptions

If applicable most national exemptions are automatically applied, you do not have to pay a charge.

Type of vehicle Description Further information
Zero emission vehicle Means a vehicle that emits 0g of CO2 per kilometre tailpipe emissions Government information on Zero Emission Vehicles
Vehicles upgraded through the Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme (CVRAS) Vehicles retrofitted or repowered to achieve CAZ standard through CVRAS certification Information on Clean Vehicle Retrofit Accreditation Scheme
Military vehicles A vehicle is a non-chargeable vehicle if it belongs to any of Her Majesty’s forces or is in use for the purposes of any of those forces Includes both military vehicles and grey military fleet
Vehicles for disabled people A vehicle is a non-chargeable vehicle if it is an exempt vehicle for the purpose of the 1994 Act by virtue of it falling within paragraphs 19 or 20 (vehicles for disabled people) of Schedule 2 so that Act provided particulars of the vehicle are for the time being entered in the national register Information on how to apply for free disabled tax
Historic vehicles Vehicles constructed more than 40 years before 1 January in year of application Currently vehicles made before 1 January 1982 are exempt

Exemptions are available to businesses registered within the Bradford Metropolitan District to Small and Medium sized Enterprises, Sole Traders/self-employed, education establishments, charities and private owners of leisure vehicles.

Exemptions do not apply to owners of Hackney Carriage or Private Hire vehicles or businesses with more than 250 staff (other SME criteria may also apply).

Applications, and any subsequent award of exemptions, are conditional on the final wording of the Charging Scheme Order, which may be subject to amendment following consultation.

Apply for your Exemption

Please note that you are liable for any charges on a non-compliant vehicle until your exemption has been awarded.