Clean Air Taxi Fund Programme

Grant funding for fully electric Bradford licenced taxi vehicles is now open!

Find out about the fully electric Clean Air Taxi Programme here

This will assist Bradford licensed vehicle proprietors with the purchase, lease or running costs of a fully electric hackney Carriage or Private Hire Vehicle, this is the highest grant of this type in the UK. Information on how and when to apply will be updated on this page.

Non electric vehicle grants are still available for Bradford taxi owners, read the full press release about the funding.

Apply for the non electric Clean Air Taxi Programme here

The Clean Air Taxi (CAT) Programme has over £4.8m in funding remaining to help the Bradford licensed taxi trade to upgrade their vehicles to meet Clean Air Zone (CAZ) Standards or upgrade to a fully electric vehicle (EV).

Grants range from £3,200 up to £10,000, the CAT Programme helps cover the costs of upgrading to a CAZ compliant vehicle or towards the running costs of a fully electric vehicle (EV).

£4.1m of the remaining funds are set aside for upgrades to fully electric licensed vehicles.

With daily charges for non-compliant taxis now that the Clean Air Zone is in operation, find out more about how you can upgrade to a compliant or fully electric licensed vehicle.

The Clean Air Taxi Find programme is now split into two categories:

  • For the purchase of a non-fully electric replacement vehicle or retrofit solution to an existing vehicle to Clean Air Zone compliance standards.
  • For assistance with the running costs of a fully electric vehicle. The fully electric vehicle can either be owned or leased (minimum 2 years lease from the date the Terms and Conditions are signed) by the grant applicant.

For more details about the eligibility criteria for these two grants schemes or to make an application, please choose from the following links:

Fully Electric replacement vehicles

Hybrid Electric replacement vehicles (not fully electric)

Other useful links