Low emission planning guidance

New developments can impact on air quality by introducing additional vehicle trips or other new emission sources such as boilers, chemical processes and quarries. Emissions can also arise during demolition and construction phases. These emissions can impact on people living in surrounding areas and need to be mitigated as far as possible.

Some developments create new 'relevant receptor points' which place new people close to existing emission sources, for example building a new home next to a busy road. In these situations it is important to ensure that air quality at the proposed development site is fit for human exposure.

If you are preparing a planning application in Bradford you need to pay due regard to the West Yorkshire Low Emission Planning Guidance document (PDF).

The main steps to take before submitting your planning application are:

  • Step 1 – check the classification of your development using the WYLES guidance
  • Step 2 – if your development is major (for the purpose of the WYLES guidance) undertake an air quality impact assessment and damage cost calculation
  • Step 3 – check what emission mitigation your development requires and develop a mitigation strategy to submit with your application
  • Step 4 – undertake an exposure assessment if required

If you are unable to determine the classification of your development using the WYLES guidance or are unsure about what level of assessment or mitigation is needed please contact the Sustainability team for advice.

More information on how to undertake air quality impact assessments and damage cost calculations is available in the WYLES planning guidance.

If you are submitting an application for a biomass boiler you will need to undertake a biomass screening assessment using the biomass screening assessment tool.

Other industrial emission sources need to use the Industrial Emissions Screening Tool.

These screening tools are intended to identify point source emission sources that require further detailed assessment. Depending on the outcome of the screening process you may need to undertake a more detailed dispersion modelling study to support your planning application.

Exact requirements for new stack emissions should be discussed with the Sustainability team before submission of your planning application.

Some industrial processes require an Environmental Permit to operate. Information on the UK Environmental Permitting system is available here: Government information on Environmental Permitting.

Further information on obtaining an Environmental Permit in Bradford can be obtained from the Bradford Environmental Health team.

If you are employing a consultant to undertake an air quality assessment on your behalf it is recommended that you (or your air quality consultant) contact the Clean Air Programme team at the start of the project to agree the required scope and methodologies.

Air quality mitigation measures

The WYLES planning guidance sets out the level of emission mitigation expected on new developments. Each development will have bespoke needs but as a general guide you should consider the following:

  • Minor developments – usually need EV charging facilities and sometimes a Construction Emission Management Plan
  • Medium developments – usually need EV charging facilities, a Low Emission Travel Plan and sometimes a Construction Emission Management Plan
  • Major developments - require all of the above plus a bespoke emission mitigation strategy of a magnitude that is proportional to the societal damage cost

Information on how to undertake a construction and demolition dust risk assessment and develop a construction emission management plan is available here IAQM guidance on assessment of demolition and construction dust (PDF).

As a minimum new developments need to comply with the EV charging Building Regulations (Approved document S).

In some cases commercial developments in Bradford may be asked to provide a greater number of active EV charging points than required by these regulations.

The West Yorkshire Travel Plan Network can provide free travel planning advice to employers in Bradford.