Clean Air Schools Programme

The Bradford Clean Air Schools Programme (CASP) is a Bradford Council initiative funded by the Bradford Clean Air Zone (CAZ). Reductions in pollution outside schools are already being delivered by the CAZ, especially at those located next to busy main roads.

Clean Air Schools Programme (CASP) sets out the plans to provide cleaner air for the districts children via a comprehensive package of grants, engagement, education and anti-idling awareness at the school gates.

Clean Air Schools Grants

Bradford Council are in the process of distributing over £444,000 of funding from the Clean Air Zone to 48 Bradford schools who have been successful in receiving grants to reduce air pollution around their local area.

The CASP grants are contributing to some great ideas such as walking buses, bikes, scooters and shelters, classroom air filtration systems and green screens using planting to protect play areas.

Read about the progress and updates from Clean Air schools Grant programme.

School Engagement

The Clean Air Schools Programme includes dedicated support to schools in the district to help them educate children, staff and parents about the dangers of air pollution to our health.

We have a school engagement officer in place to work with schools in person in classroom environments, assemblies or action days.

We are working to create a schools resources page to allow you to download classroom activities and more.


Improving air quality around schools is a must for children, parents and staff especially at the beginning and end of the school day when vehicles may be found idling.

Bradford Council have employed 5 neighbourhood wardens, one in each locality, to focus on parked vehicles that are outside schools with their engine running.

As well as making observations outside schools to check how many stationary vehicles are leaving their engine running the neighbourhood wardens will work with the schools to increasing engagement activity and educating drivers who are idling next to school sites.