Website maintenance on Friday and Sunday

We will be doing maintenance to our website systems on Friday, 27 and Sunday, 29 September. more »

Self-care ideas to help lift your mood if you’re a little low

  • Explore nature – visit your local park or green space. There are also some self-guided walks in our greenspaces.
  • Phone someone – it’s good to talk.
  • Take 25 minutes for yourself – if you can spend just a little time doing something for yourself that you enjoy this can make a difference.
  • Try to limit your screen time – this gives your eyes and brain a rest. This is especially important in the last hour before bedtime.
  • Sing it out – it’s amazing how music can make us feel so sing along to the radio or your favourite CD. You could even join a choir - The Bradford Friendship Choir is holding online sessions for people to join in with.
  • Get writing – it’s great to receive a note or a postcard from someone out of the blue.
  • Dance like you mean it – jigging about to music can really help lift our mood so put on some music and have a boogie
  • Make a new friend – you could join a befriending service like the Bradford Befriending Network, have a socially distanced chat with your neighbours or create a friends WhatsApp group to chat on line.
  • Get some fresh air – you don’t have to go far even being out in your garden or yard for a few minutes a day can help. Why not explore your local park or greenspace there are lots of parks in the Bradford district
  • Try meditation or yoga – Bradford Yoga are doing online sessions
  • Play a board game either with people in your household, via video messaging like Zoom or online. Even if you don’t have anyone to play with you can play online with people from all over the world in the Board Games Arena
  • Try to be thankful – taking time to appreciate something even if it is just something small can help lift our mood
  • Do some colouring or get creative – Our Bradford Museums and Galleries Service have created their Inspire Me To… project with ideas, they also have colouring sheets inspired by their collections
  • Caring for a houseplant plant or growing things in a garden or window box can help boost our mood
  • Having a good clear out, a declutter and/or a good clean can help to lift our mood and give us a greater feeling of control over our living space. If you do have a clear out, please consider donating good quality items to charity and make sure you dispose of items correctly. Information about recycling can be found on our recycling and waste page.
  • Baking and cooking are great ways to get creative and focus the mind. You could do some batch cooking for the freezer to give you delicious wholesome meals for when you don’t have time or don’t feel like cooking. There are lots of social media groups that you could join to give you tips and recipies.