Counter Fraud Strategy 2023 to 2025


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1.0   Introduction

The City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council ("the Council") recognises the potentially significant risk that fraud and corruption pose to the achievement of the Council’s aims and objectives and the adverse impact it can have on the provision of public services for the people and communities of Bradford District.

The Council’s Counter Fraud Policy commits to:

  • Ensuring the people and communities of Bradford District have complete confidence that the Council’s affairs are conducted in accordance with the highest standards of probity, honesty, integrity and
  • A zero tolerance to fraud and
  • Combating fraud and corruption wherever it may arise in relation to any of the Council’s activities or services

This Counter Fraud Strategy sets out the Council’s approach to combatting fraud and corruption over the next two financial years.

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2.0 The strategic approach

The Council is committed to minimising fraud and corruption through a strategic approach consistent with that outlined in the Local Government Fraud Strategy 'Fighting Fraud Locally – a strategy for the 2020’s’, the principles of which are summarised below as the 5 key pillars of activity and 6 themes:

The pillars


The Council will:

  • Develop robust arrangements and Council wide support to ensure anti-fraud, bribery and corruption measures are embedded throughout the Council.


The Council will:

  • Access and understand the fraud risks and ensure that they are communicated to the Corporate Management Team and appropriate Member Committee.
  • Commit the appropriate support and resources to tackling fraud and corruption demonstrating a robust anti-fraud response.


The Council will:

  • Make the best use of information and technology; enhance fraud controls and processes and maintain an effective anti-fraud culture.
  • Communicate performance and activity successes.


The Council will:

  • Prioritise fraud recovery and use of civil sanctions.
  • Develop capability and capacity to punish offenders.
  • Collaborate across geographical and sectoral boundaries.
  • Learn lessons and close the gaps.


The Council will

  • Recognise the harm that fraud can cause to the people and communities of the Bradford District and protect them from fraud.

The themes


The Council will create a culture where fraud and corruption are unacceptable.


The Council will assess the full range of fraud risks ensuring that the range of counter fraud measures deployed is appropriate.


The Council will deploy the appropriate resources to deal with the level of risk identified.


The Council will ensure that resources employed on tackling the full range of counter fraud and corruption activity have the appropriate skills and competence.


The Council will raise awareness internally and externally, deterring fraudsters, sharing information and celebrating successes.


The Council will work together across internal and external boundaries, for example with colleagues, other local authorities and other agencies, sharing resources, skills, learning and best practice.

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Key priorities for the financial years 2023-2025


  • Introduce regular fraud awareness briefings for Departmental Management Teams (DMT).
  • Refresh the existing mandatory fraud awareness learning for all Council staff and Elected Members.
  • Implement a Counter Fraud Framework where all fraud policies and procedures are refreshed and renewed.
  • Consider any new arrangements required for the Bradford Children & Families Trust


  • Develop a detailed fraud risk assessment in conjunction with DMT’s
  • Review available Counter Fraud resources to ensure they are being utilised to maximum effect


  • Improve publicity – refreshing information on internal and external websites, ensuring regular communication of fraud risks and improved use of social media
  • Develop /enhance relationships with Enforcement Partners and Local Authority neighbours
  • Improve and formalise internal control work with Internal Audit
  • Consider innovative projects around Data Sharing e.g., NFI Fraud Hub (Hertfordshire)
  • Review the benefits of fraud forums and benchmarking groups


  • Develop a targeted proactive programme of activity based on risk as identified
  • Consider how best to prioritise fraud recovery
  • Develop a programme of closer working e.g. with DWP, Police etc.


  • Develop a fraud response plan which provides guidance to employees, managers and the public, defining responsibilities for action in the event of suspected fraud.

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Review date: January 2025

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