Stay active
Being active is good for your body and your mind. Physical activity can ease the symptoms of long-term health conditions, reduce anxiety, and improve your sleep and wellbeing.
Physical activity in childhood has a number of benefits. It stimulates the development of muscles, bones and joints as well as the heart and lungs. Physical activity helps children maintain a healthy weight, sleep better and interact with other people.
There are lots of easy ways to be active. Physical activity is anything that gets you moving. It’s not just about sports, it can be simple things such as walking, cycling, gardening or housework. If you move your body for just 20 minutes every day you will already see the benefits.
Have a look at the Living Well website for more information and resources.
Find activities near you
Living Well have been working with the Yorkshire Sport Foundation to create a physical activity search portal to make finding local ways to be active with others easier across the Bradford district.
Find local activities by going to Living Well Bradford activity finder and putting your postcode in the search box.
The portal will give clubs, groups, and anyone who provides physical activity opportunities, a better platform to promote their programmes, reach new audiences and help make Bradford an active district.
Living Well Bradford supports access to local providers of physical activities by displaying information about their activities on these pages. To ensure only the most accurate information is displayed, this information comes directly from the providers. Therefore, whilst being up-to-date, Living Well and City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. Moreover, we cannot endorse nor in any way be responsible for any of the activities or third-party activity providers you see on this portal. Please let us know if you see any inaccurate or inappropriate content and we will work with the relevant providers to correct any mistakes.