Warm/Welcoming Spaces communications toolkit

An initiative to promote a network of Warm/Welcoming Spaces across Bradford District - places where anyone can go to be comfortable and be with other people.

Warm Space and Welcoming Space logos.

Bradford Council has worked alongside voluntary community and social enterprise organisations across the district to establish a network of Warm/Welcoming Spaces for residents. These are spaces that anyone can access and spend time for free so they don’t have to use their own utilities throughout the day. Many spaces will also offer drinks and other services such as free wi-fi or activities.

Having registered as a Warm/Welcoming Space, your organisation is already included in the online directory that residents can use to find their nearest participating venue. This toolkit has been put together to help you tell your community that you are part of the scheme.

The toolkit contains:


We have created logos for the Warm/Welcoming Spaces scheme. As a registered venue it would be great if you would use the appropriate one on your marketing and communication materials.

You can download the logo below, under the section headed Resources.


We have created some posters that you can download and print to display at your venue to let people know that you are a Warm/Welcoming Space venue.

One version allows for you to add in your opening times. The other is generic.

You can download the posters below, under the section headed Resources.

Social media

Social media is a great way to let your community know that you are offering a Warm/Welcoming Space. We have drafted some messages that you may wish to use on your social media accounts.

We have also created some images you can use with your social media posts. Alternatively, you could just use the Warm/Welcoming Spaces logo.

You will find the images and messages below, under the Resources section.

More information

The Warm/Welcoming Spaces network is just one way the council and partners are trying to help people who are struggling with the rise in the cost of living this winter.

Further advice and support is available at www.costoflivingbradford.co.uk.

Please signpost any of your users to this support if they may need it.

We have created a QR code that, when scanned, takes people direct to the Cost of Living Bradford website.

You will find the QR code below, under the Resources section.

Thank you

Thanks for all the great work you do to support your community and for using this toolkit.

If you have any queries around marketing your Warm Space offer, please get in touch by emailing press.communications@bradford.gov.uk.


Warm Space

Welcoming Space

Cost of Living