Ho ho holiday clubs set to bring Christmas fun to thousands of children

Children and young people can look forward to a happy and healthy Christmas, thanks to a range of free activities, holiday clubs, and fun days offered through Bradford Council’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF).

The HAF programme gives free access to holiday clubs to children who get benefit related free school meals or have a special educational need or disability.

More than 90 different clubs will be running during the upcoming school holiday. The clubs are run by a range of organisations from across the whole district including schools, community groups, faith groups, charities and sports clubs including Bradford City and Bradford Bulls. Every club provides free fun activities and a healthy meal for eligible children.

There is a huge variety of activities on offer at the clubs including sports, arts and crafts, drama, trips to see a pantomime, ice skating and the cinema. There is also an opportunity to learn about food and nutrition, meet new people, have fun, and make new friends.

In total there are 4,500 free places available to eligible children. Bookings are now being taken. Parents and carers simply need to register their child to see what activities are available and book a place with the provider.

Families are encouraged to book early to avoid disappointment as places are limited and fill up fast.

More details can be found on the HAF page of the Bradford Council website.

Cllr Imran Khan, Bradford Council Portfolio Holder for Education, Employment and Skills, said: “Many families across Bradford District are having a tough time right now because of the high cost of living and it is even more challenging at this time of year.

“There is a huge range of activities happening, with free meals provided at each session. I’d urge all eligible families to book onto HAF and have fun over the holidays.”

HAF is funded by the Department for Education.